
时间:2023-05-11 18:50:17 来源:网友投稿

SAT写作考试的复习方案分享1  1.学会审题。这里的审题主要包括两个方面:首先大家要明确题目要求,是让你分析材料中作者用了哪些写作手法来增加自己文章的可信度,那么写作手法重点需要找题目中给出的“e下面是小编为大家整理的2023年SAT写作考试复习方案分享3篇(范例推荐),供大家参考。



  1.学会审题。这里的审题主要包括两个方面:首先大家要明确题目要求,是让你分析材料中作者用了哪些写作手法来增加自己文章的可信度,那么写作手法重点需要找题目中给出的“evidence”“reasoning”和“persuasive elements”,而千万不要去写自己对于这个话题的观点,更不能通篇介绍材料讲了什么。其次,审题的时候要注意文章后面的一段话,“how XXX persuade his/her audience that ……”,其中that后面的一句话一定要注意,这就是文章的claim,自己在分析的时候也一定要提到这句话。






  2.总结分析套路。上课的时候老师都给大家准备了很多开头结尾的模板,选一套背下来。除此之外呢,大家要注意总结分析的模板,可以从范文中抠模板,也可以自己用最好的语言写一套出来,考试的时候直接拿来用。需要总结分析模板的几种写作手法分别是:comparison and contrast, *ogy, 四种evidence,parallel structure, climax, metaphor and simile, rhetorical question等,这些大家在日常做题的时候经常能用到,要特别关注一下。


  4.避免语法错误。虽然是老司机,但大家还是经常出现很多语法错误,尤其是第三人称单数和单复数。考试的时候允许大家有一定数量的语法错误,但是在首段和尾段以及每一段的topic sentence一定不要出现,语法错误太多会引起writing扣分。

  5.Reading提分方法。很多同学的reading被扣分是因为评分标准所说的important details及其与main idea的关系没有很好得体现出来。大家写完后可以找别人读一遍,如果别人在没有看过原文的情况下通过读你的文章就能基本了解原文的主题和内容,那么说明你的reading部分做的还不错。
















  1. 审题思路:考题见分晓

  这样的分析能力在SAT写作审题的时候尤为重要,明确的,正确合理的`观点是高分的首要保证。我们先讲讲审题的步骤:首先可以快速看下 Assignment之前的引言(prompt),确定关键词和评价词。比方Does being ethical make it hard to be successful?(2009/3).题中的关键词为ethical和successful;评价词为hard.在写作的过程中,要紧扣关键词和评价词,形成因和果的关系,这样就绝不会偏题了。

  那么在审题之后到底该如何确定观点呢?我们再来从真题列举当中体会一二。例如题目Can people have too much enthusiasm? (2007/12)一般同学看见这个题目发现关键词为enthusiasm,评价词为have too much.然后可能由于考场上时间的紧迫,对于例证准备的缺乏,强行将一些众所周知的例子(比如Edison, Bill Gates, Martin Luther King Junior)套用上去,指出他们这些伟人都是由于对于自己事业的热忱,最后取得成功。

  诚然,这样论证的确可以成文。但无论从逻辑或者例证来看,都缺乏亮点,*淡无奇,难以打动人心。因为众所周知有了热情和坚持,然后取得成功,是种常理。而常理是不需要深刻论证的。考生要做的事情是客观地把非常理的事情经过自己的分析,描述,说服考官,打动考官。而这,我们便称之为 critical thinking(批判性思维)。

  所以,我们可以挖掘一些有了热情或激情反而酿成悲剧的事例,来论证人不该有太多的热情。当然这种激情不仅限于对事业的,也可以是对人的情。比如Wuthering Heights 中主人公西斯克里夫对于Catherine的狂热之情引发的悲剧,莎士比亚著名戏剧中Macbeth(麦克白)对于权力的野心,都可以作为素材用以论证。这样,文章论点既非常鲜明,又能够深刻体现critical thinking的思维。

  2.Critical Thinking




  可见,无论是「批判性思考」(critical thinking) 的原创者Edward Glaser,或是当代的学者,都认为「批判性思考」不是以批判为主,而是以客观的理性分析为重心。

  3. 训练即时反应能力


  针对这个问题,笔者推荐考生可以妙用“正反思考法则”来尽量避免这一情况。比方(2010.6) Is solitude—spending time alone—necessary for people to achieve their most important goals?

  对于此题,有些考生说没准备过关于孤独(solitude)的人物论据怎么办,那么我们可以试着从反面来表示观点,就是说孤独在达成目标的过程当中不是必要的,然后引入常规论据“合作”(cooperation),论证合作才能使人达成目标。同时考生要学会把关键词引申开来,比方说 cooperation=team work=individual+individual / individual +group /group+group/。这样一来,问题自然迎刃而解。
















  1.Have something to say.



  2.Say it.



  3.Don"t wait for inspiration.



  4.Keep it simple.



  5.Mix it up.



  6.Chop wood.



  7.Read aloud.






  9.Slow down--and rewrite.










  All progress has resulted from people who took unpopular positions. Adlai Stevenson, speech at Princeton, 1954.


  Do you agree with this statement? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your postion on this issue. Support your point of view with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

  SAT Essay Sample

  I believe that progress is achieved by people that take unpoplar positions. To be popular often means trying to please everyone. Progress, on the other hand, comes from making difficult decisions that often don"t satisfy everyone. Whether it"s politicians, parents, or even myself, progress has often come from making unpopular decisions.

  Many politicians have to make unpopular decisions. Abraham Lincoln is revered today but during his lifetime the Civil War was very unpopular. There was rioting over the draft and the destruction of lives and property wasn"t popular either. But without the unpopular decisions he made it is hard to imagine what the United States would be like today.

  My parents also make unpopular decisions. One such decision was when they sent me to summer camp when I was 14. I didn"t want to go but it turned out to be a terrific experience. I learned a lot about wildlife and nature. At the time it was not a popular thing to do but I really benefitted from it.

  Even in my own life I have had to take unpopular positions that turned out to be positive ones. One such experience happened just last year. I decided to take a year between high school and college and travel abroad. At the time, it was a very unpopular position. My parents did not see the benefit in me travelling across Europe by myself. But I had the money saved and in the end they had to let me go. The experience turned out to be the best of my life. I experienced many different cultures and learned things about myself and others.

  I think it is true that all progress comes from people taking unpopular positions. We see evidence of this in history as well as our own lives. To be popular requires a whole different set of skills than is needed for progress.


  I"M GOING RUNNING TODAY. I am not concerned about my calorie consumption for the day, nor am I anxious to get in shape for the winter season. I just want to go running。

  I used to dislike running. "If you don"t win this game, you"re all running five miles tomorrow," the field hockey coach used to warn, during those last days of October when the average temperature seemed to be decreasing exponentially. And so, occasionally, my grief-stricken team would run numerous miserable laps around the fields. At the end of these excursions, our faces and limbs would be numb, and we would all have developed those notorious flu-like symptoms; but the running made us better in the long run, I suppose. Nevertheless, I counted down the days until the end of the field hockey season, vowing never to put on a pair of running shoes again. Then I surprised myself by signing up for outdoor track in the second half of sophomore year. I was foolish to have believed that I could ever escape this insidious and magnetic addiction。

  Anyone would have thought that I"d be off the team in a few days, but the last week of January caught me splashing through puddles of melted ice, and February winds nearly blew me off the track. I looked forward to practices this time around, to the claps and the persistent cheers of my fellow trackies. I was feeling a "runner"s high" spurred by the endorphins released by exercise. But to attribute my affinity for running solely to chemistry diminishes the personal importance that running has for me。

  I like running—in the cool shade of the towering oak trees, and in the warm sunlight spilling over the horizon, and in the drops of rain falling gently from the clouds. Certain things become clear to me when I"m running—only while running did I realize that "hippopotami" is possibly the funniest word in the English language, and only while running did I realize that the travel section of The York Times does not necessarily provide an accurate depiction of the entire world. Running lends me precious moments to contemplate my life: while running I find time to dream about changing the world, to think about recent death of a classmate, or to wonder about the secret to college admission

  Running is the awareness of hurdles between me and the finish line; running is the desire to overcome them. Running is putting up with aches and pains, relishing the knowledge that, in the end, I will have built strength and endurance. Running is the instant clarity of vision with which I can see my future just one hundred yards in the distance; it is the understanding that these crucial steps will determine victory or defeat。

  Running is not the most important thing in the world to me, but it is what fulfills me when time permits. And right now, before the sun goes down, I like to take advantage of the road that lies ahead。




  1. Whereas other societies look to the past for guidance, we cast our nets f orward.

  2. It is the belief in a brighter future that gives us optimism.

  3. The job of the parents is to give the children every opportunity while they are growing up and then get out of their way.

  4. When half the population goes to college, one cannot expect the colleges to maintain the same standards as in countries where only the elite attend.

  5. Just as not every Japanese is hardworking and deferential to superiors, not every Chinese is devoted to family, not every American is ambitious or patriotic—or even unsophisticated.

  6. No one could seriously think that anyone who grows up poor, lives in a bad neighborhood, and attends an inferior school has an opportunity equal to that of someone more favored.

  7. Current wisdom says that if you want a successful product, you need first to perform detailed market *ysis, making sure that there are plenty of people who need the new product and that you entry into the market will be able to gain a significant share of that market.

  8. The evidence suggests that, on balance, people today tend to concern them selves with only practical * that are related to their life.

  9. At first glance, it would seem that increased bureaucracy creates obstacles between the citizens and those who govern, thereby separating the two groups. Closer examination reveals, however, that in many ways government bureaucracy actually bridges the gap, and that new technologies now allow for ways around the gap.

  10. There is no doubt that hard work contributes to success, yet a person can work awfully hard and still achieve very little.


  1. The mere fact that ticket sales in recent years for screenplay-based movies have exceeded those for book-based movies is insufficient evidence to conclude that writing screenplays now provides greater financial opportunity for writers.

  2. The argument fails to rule out the possibility that a writer engages in both types of writing as well as other types.

  3. The argument sim* equates success with movie ticket sales, which is unwarranted.

  4. Moreover, the author provides no evidence that the realism of color photography is the reason for its predominance.

  5. This assumption presents a false dilemma, since the two media are not necessarily mutually exclusive alternatives.

  6. The argument ignores the factors—such as initiative, creativity, technical skills, and business judgment—that may be more important than the choice of medium in determining success in photography.

  7. While this may be true in some cases, it is equally possible that only companies with products that are already best-sellers can afford the higher adrates that popular shows demand.

  8. The author’s conclusion that switching to incineration would be more salutary for public health would be seriously undermined.

  9. Consequently, unless the author can demonstrate that the city will incur expenses that are not covered by the increased revenues from these projects, the author’s concern about these issues is unfounded.

  10. The author’s proposal is inconsistent with the author’s conclusion about the consequences of adopting an ethics code.
















  Prim adj. 拘谨的;整洁的;呆板的

  Profligate adj. 放荡的,不检点的;恣意挥霍的

  Promulgate vt. 公布;传播;发表

  Propitious adj. 适合的;吉利的;顺利的

  Prostrate adj. 俯卧的;拜倒的;降伏的;沮丧的

  Prowess n. 英勇;超凡技术;勇猛

  Prude n. 拘守礼仪的人;故做正经的女人

  Psyche n. 灵魂;心智

  Pariah n. 贱民(印度的最下阶级)

  Pauper n. 乞丐;穷人;靠救济度日者 adj. 贫民的

  Pensive adj. 沉思的,忧郁的;悲伤的,哀愁的

  Perfunctory adj. 敷衍的;马虎的;得过且过的

  Prank n. 恶作剧,开玩笑;戏谑

  Perpetrate vt. 犯(罪);做(恶)

  Philistine n. 俗气的人;-仇敌;门外汉

  Piecemeal adj. 零碎的;逐渐的

  Piquant adj. 辛辣的; 活泼的;痛快的;顽皮的`;刺激的

  Plaintive adj. 哀伤的;悲哀的

  Pliable adj. 柔韧的;柔软的;圆滑的;易曲折的

  Precis vt. 概括…的大意;为…写摘要

  Predispose vt. 预先处置;使…偏向于

  Preempt vt. 先占;先取;以先买权获得

  Prehensile adj. 适于抓握的;善于领会的

  Premonition n. 预告;征兆

  Presage n. 预感;前兆


  Saturnine adj. 忧郁的;阴沉的;铅中毒的;沉默寡言的

  Saunter n. 漫步;闲逛

  Savory adj. 可口的;风味极佳的;味美的

  Scruple vt. 对…有顾虑

  Secular adj. 世俗的;长期的;现世的;不朽的

  Sedition n. 暴动;煽动性的言论或行为;妨害治安

  Seethe vt. 使浸透;使煮沸

  Servitude vt. 使浸透;使煮沸

  Sever vt. 使浸透;使煮沸

  Sheer adj. 绝对的;透明的;峻峭的

  Simulate vt. 模仿;假装;冒充 adj. 模仿的;假装的

  Sinewy adj. 有力的;多腱的;肌肉发达的

  Sinuous adj. 蜿蜒的;弯曲的;迂回的

  Skirmish vi. 进行小规模战斗;发生小争论

  Slacken vt. 使缓慢;使松弛


  Smirk vi. 傻笑;假笑

  Smolder vi. 闷烧;郁积

  Sobriety n. 清醒,冷静;节制;严肃

  Solicit vt. 征求;招揽;请求;乞求

  Spartan adj. 斯巴达的;斯巴达式的

  Spurious adj. 斯巴达的;斯巴达式的
